Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Meetings can be boring. Most of us show up and leave feeling like it was a total waste of time. What is supposed to be our opportunity to connect, be informed and strategize somehow has become isolating, ambiguous and disengaging. Time isn’t the only thing at risk: Try focus, productivity, innovation, which all hit the bottom line.
The days of just ‘winging it’ are over. Our teams and organizations are counting on us to be consistent, effective and impactful, and we’ve got less time to make that happen. So, let’s not waste any more time!
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While the webinars in the WOW Leadership series will be recorded and emailed to registered participants after the end of the webinars, they WILL NOT be made available in the member Webinar Archives. Members and nonmembers will need to register in order to gain access to this training content.