Successful Businesses Foster a Culture of Respect

Do you have a respectful workplace culture? Would your employees answer the same way you or the leadership team would when asked that question? A respectful workplace not only helps build your organizations success and brand – it is a critical factor in employee engagement.

Recently both Harvard Business Review and Gallup published reports that found respect was listed as the number one behavior that leads to more productive and engaged employees.  It is estimated that the average workplace only has 33% of their employees fully engaged – these employees indicate that they feel that they are treated fairly and courteously. The remaining 67% fall between disengaged and actively disengaged – needless to say they do not feel valued nor respected.

As may be expected an organization that does not truly have a respectful culture may face decreased productivity and quality in the employee’s work output.

For these reasons, we’ve created a new Culture of Respect online resource for you!

We’ve identified the following components of a respectful workplace:

  • Diversity
  • Inclusivity
  • Equity
  • Authenticity
  • Civility

EANE has provided some thought-provoking questions on this page to help you identify where your organization is thriving and where the gaps may exist. This is a starting point and we’re here to help you develop a plan that could increase your employee engagement by focusing on improving your culture of respect.

Spend An Hour Focusing On The Role Of Belonging In A Respectful Work Culture

We are also excited that Erica Colonero and Robin Pedrelli, founders of VisionSpring, Inc. will be conducting a session as part of the EANE Inspire HR conference. This session, Belonging | The Foundation of a Healthy Culture, will take place on October 29 as the Inspire HR Series Kick-off event! In one of VisionSpring’s recent blogs they noted that now – more than ever – a culture of respect must include a sense of “belonging”.  In these times when many people are now working remotely that is critical for our organizations to foster this sense of belonging in order to build upon our respectful workplaces.

Every organization will benefit when their employees feel a sense of belonging that fosters a respectful workplace and full-engaged employees.