The life of an HR Super Hero…is just crazy right now.

From managing remote workers to reopening and engaging employees, managing compliance issues and updating policies, it’s completely overwhelming. This year we are all facing unique challenges and obstacles driven by the global health crisis and the current state of our economy and political climate. If there was ever a time when you could benefit from an extra set of hands or the opportunity to ‘phone a friend’, this is certainly that time.

Our member community at EANE has organizations that are thriving and creating amazing resilience stories right now. I’d love the opportunity to talk with you about this and hear about your experiences in the last few months as well.

Could I buy you a cup of your favorite beverage and schedule a 10-15 minute video chat, since we can’t meet in person? If you suggest a time that might work for you, I will forward an electronic gift card – let me know if you prefer Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts. I’m looking forward to speaking with you soon!

-Allison Ebner, Director of Member Services