In addition to the exclusive benefits of membership, EANE Member organizations get great deals too!
Most of our services are available to members and non-members alike. EANE Members organizations save 30% on the following services.
Human Resource Solutions Services
- Affirmative Action Plans
- Compliance Posters
- Conflict Resolution & Investigations
- Handbook Development & Review
- HR Audits
- Pay Equity Planning
- Succession Planning
Talent Management Services
- Background Checks
- Coaching
- Diversity & Inclusion Plans
- Employee Engagement Surveys
- Exit/Stay Interviews
- Recruiting
- Workforce Assessments
Onsite Training
- Our Learning and Development team will work with your organization to understand your training needs along with key compliance areas that can impact your workplace.
- EANE can design a specific learning agenda to meet your needs and align with your business goals and practices.