The team at EANE is happy to welcome members of CCUA to join our MA PFML Final Regulations webinar, presented by EANE’s Mark Adams along with John Gannon from the law firm of Skoler, Abbott and Presser, P.C.
Just click the “SIGN UP” button above to register, and enter the password that you were provided.
Typically a member-only benefit, this special webinar is not unlike the 2 webinars EANE hosts every month on topics that help HR leaders elevate their knowledge and tackle some of the most pressing issues around compliance and employee engagement. – And all of these informative and engaging webinars are FREE to EANE Members!
Important Participation Note: EANE will email registered participants the information needed to participate in the webinar in the days leading up to the event. Please ask your IT Department to whitelist the domain so that you will receive the pre-training participation communications.
The Department of Paid Family and Medical Leave has issued a new set of final regulations for the oversight and administration of the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave law. The regulations lay the final foundation and framework as to what employers can expect in complying with this law starting in 2021.
What has changed? What should be done now to ensure your organization is equipped to comply? We’ve partnered with the law firm of Skoler, Abbott and Presser, P.C. to review these regulations and the practical implications for your business.