The team at EANE is happy to welcome members of HRMA to join our February webinar, How the Opioid Epidemic Affects Your Business, presented by Pam Thornton.

Just click the “SIGN UP” button above to register.

Typically a member-only benefit, EANE hosts 2 webinars per month on topics that help HR leaders elevate their knowledge and tackle some of the most pressing issues around compliance and employee engagement.

75% of US employers report being directly impacted by the opioid crisis: Absenteeism, lack of productivity, increased health care costs, increased employee turnover, risk of workplace injury and violence. This growing crisis is no longer just impacting the business next door. It’s standing right here on our front doorstep.

Join us for a conversation about how to recognize the signs and symptoms of opioid and other substance use dependency. Learn how to mitigate the impact on business and the workplace and develop a plan of action to deal with the crisis.