We’ll Get By With a Little Help From Our Friends

Article contributed by Allison Ebner

In addition to being a great Beatles song, this phrase also captures one of the most powerful sentiments that people and businesses have experienced, navigating the rough (but improving!) waters of this past year.

Personally, I’ve relied so much on my small circle of friends during the pandemic. From zoom cocktail catch-ups to socially distanced fire pit conversations – it felt like such a gift every time we connected and just talked about everything going on in our lives and in the world.

Professionally here at EANE, our connection to our members and partners has never been stronger. The conversations with our members were personal and often emotional, as so many of you working in Human Resources were – and continue to be – the lifeline of information and balance for your teams. We stayed closely connected to our partners as well, touching base, checking in and making sure that although we couldn’t do many of the usual events and activities that we’re used to doing, we knew that people were OK and staying safe. We continue to watch in amazement as our member companies have steered their organizations into new lines of business and collaborations that are creating rapid rebounds, new lines of revenue and bright pathways for the future. At the end of each day, we recognize that we are stronger together, in our communities and with the relationships that we build both personally and professionally.

Even with the pandemic, EANE’s membership community has grown over the past year. We recognize that companies continue to need strong partnerships that provide valuable information, in a timely fashion, that help create the blueprint for your compliance strategy and your employee engagement and communication plans. Many of our new members come to us as referrals from existing members! We appreciate that so much and LOVE when a current member finds so much value in our services that they refer a friend or colleague our way. In fact, we have an incentive for members who help us build our EANE Member Community this month!

We also take great pride in the organizations that we align ourselves with through our Partner Advantage Program. These companies are the BEST at what they do, and the people that have direct contact with our members are professional, smart and are passionate about what they do AND how they can help you. I would encourage you to review these organizations and if you have a need for their product or service, check them out. You won’t be disappointed!

Yes, this past year has been very challenging, scary and downright exhausting. But as we look down the road at a brighter horizon, one of the silver linings we’ll treasure most is our connections: to our friends & family, our colleagues and the people we’ve relied on to help us stay afloat!

THANK YOU for choosing EANE as one of your trusted partners and friends. We look forward to brighter days ahead and seeing you, in person, again soon!