EAA National Business Trends Survey and webinar announcement 

By Allison Ebner

At the start of each new year, we are filled with optimism and renewed energy as we drive our initiatives forward within our organizations. Whether you are an organizational executive or a human resource professional, it’s helpful to understand key trends from the regional and national business climate as you move through your decision-making process.

The recently released 2025 National Business Trends Survey by the Employer Associations of America (EAA) revealed that 78% of respondents are expressing confidence that the economy will improve or stay the same, increasing from 67% as reported in the 2024 survey. In addition, 52% of executives predict that sales and revenue will increase slightly in 2025 while 20% predict are anticipating flat sales.

In 2024, business leaders revealed that talent acquisition, talent retention and competition in general were major challenges. When reviewing survey respondents’ 2025 outlook, the most serious challenge in both the short and long term was identified as Cybersecurity, followed by Talent Acquisition, Developing Future Leaders, Talent Retention, and Inflation.

Given these data points, how can your organization best prepare for what lies ahead in 2025? Join us for our special lunch & learn webinar on January 22nd, where we’ll be discussing solutions to some of the key challenges referenced above that every organization is facing in the coming year. This a FREE event for EANE members. Register Here >>

The full survey report will be available to all EANE members and it details the national findings as well as regional differences from around the United States. Members will recieve their report via email following the webinar.