The DNA of Authenticity | A Look At Presence

Article Submitted by 2022 Inspire HR Presenter, Izzy Gessell CSP

Presence is a personal quality that’s an integral part of authenticity.

Think of a time you were with someone whom you would describe as having “presence.” Could be a 1-1 relationship, a view across the room during a party or being in the audience at a workshop. What was their impact on your thoughts, feelings and actions?

Now picture yourself being that person with presence. Where are you? What are your thoughts, feelings and actions? What do you notice about how others relate to you?

To my mind, presence is a result of the equitable distribution of the energy that directs our mind, body and spirit. People described as “having presence” are distributing both the energy within themselves and the energy around them. Our attention is drawn to them because their presence is magnetic.

What is “presence?” I don’t know exactly. But I know it when I experience it. It’s like trying to define “funny.” Like “funny, “presence” is subjective with each observer’s experience filtered through their own perception.

Presence contributes to authenticity by grounding you in the moment. One definition of “presence” is “the state of being in a certain place and not some other.” Alignment of time and place is a key component of “authenticity.” Genuine people are here now; not reviewing the past nor anticipating the future.

If vulnerability makes you real, then presence makes you available. The third quality, is “spontaneity.” That makes you confident.

What’s one thing could you do to enhance your authenticity as you pass through the world?

Join Izzy for his session, Practice Spontaneity | Embracing The Unknown at the

2022 Inspire HR Conference on November 10th!