What’s Next in Talent Retention and Acquisition By Pam Thornton The white-collar job market that spiked a boom during the pandemic, is now experiencing a slowdown and being coined as […]
Today’s Regulatory Forecast Now that Chevron Is Gone
BY Mark Adams When it comes to federal governmental rulemaking, the Administrative Procedure Act provides a framework for how rulemaking takes place (including requirements to publish notices of proposed and […]
Hello EANE Members!!!
I hope this note finds you well! I have missed speaking with so many of you on a regular basis! I am writing to let you know that I am […]
Finding Civility in Turbulent Times
From Allison Ebner I was talking recently with a colleague, and we were discussing the topic of change. Continual, forceful, unrelenting change that has completely disrupted our work and life […]
Did you know that September 26th is National HR Professionals Day?
AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL CEOs/Executive Directors/Presidents From John Henderson This day was established to honor the important role HR professionals have in shaping the workplace, finding and nurturing talent, […]
Mental health takes no summer break viewpoint
By Khadene Harry-Stoby, RN As summer break approaches, the joyous anticipation of freedom from school routines fills the hearts of adolescents. Yet, amidst the excitement lies a poignant reality: mental […]
New England Lean Summit is happening at the Hartford Marriott this September 12 and 13th!
For immediate release: In its latest initiative to help promote the adoption of and practice of Lean methods in New England, the group at New England Lean Consulting (NELC) is […]
Paid Time Off Considerations and Pitfalls
By Mark Adams Paid time off has been a fundamental benefit that employers have provided employees. There are many approaches to how to structure these programs. For the most part, […]
Taking Your Employee FUN Events to the Next Level
By Kevin Joly Looking to try something different at your next employee fun event? There are a lot of new and exciting vendors and companies that are taking employee relations […]
What does your company get back when you invest in training someone?
By John Henderson We’ve all heard the famous quote by Henry Ford “The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having […]