• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for HR Professionals
    May 15 @ 8:30 am

 As Human Resource Professionals it is not likely that a day goes by without having the opportunity to solve a serious problem.  With all of our problem-solving opportunities we should be good at it, right?  Practice does not always make perfect in the problem-solving arena and Human Resource professionals have an added dimension of the Human Factor when resolving issues.  HR Professionals have a unique role in solving problems while walking on the business and employee balance beam. It can often be difficult to stay objective and focus on solving the problem without becoming embroiled in the emotional side of the people issues.    Having strong critical thinking skills can enable HR professionals at all levels to collect and process information in a structured way, aiding the problem-solving process.  Critical thinking also helps HR professionals engage in strategic conversations with internal business partners.   

Learning Objectives: 

  • Learn what critical thinking is and how to use it to solve complex HR problems
  • Apply Outside-In Thinking to identify solutions that support the business
  • Learn a simple approach to Problem Solving that incorporates a variety of perspectives and solutions into the process.
  • Utilize an easy-to-use Problem Solving Tool that you can take back to your organization 
  • Participate in a hands-on experience where you will put your new problem-solving skills to the test

Who Should Attend?

HR Professionals

Registration Fee

EANE MEMBERS | $180 Per person

FUTURE MEMBERS | $225 Per person