These briefings address hot topics that may need your immediate attention – often focusing on legal compliance issues. In order to meet your needs, we offer these briefings in multiple geographic locations. Past briefings focused on the new MA paid family leave regulations, economic updates, the value of training grants, digital marketing tools for recruitment and non-compete agreements.
While the lively nature of these briefings generates added-value for attendees, they also provide take-away information in the form of PowerPoint presentations, supplemental material from government agencies and recaps of vital components of new laws and regulations.
Scheduled Briefings
Building Better Benefits | Lifestyle Accounts
Employee Financial Wellness
Is Your Retirement Plan Hurricane Proof?
SNEAK PEEK At “6 Critical Conversations For New Managers”
Sneak Peek Training
Training Grant Briefings | Learn What Funds Are Available in CT, MA and RI
Women and Retirement | Preparing For Your Future