• Developing your HR Business Plan
    March 11 @ 8:30 am

If you don’t have a plan any road can take you there, however you may make a lot of wrong turns before you arrive!  Planning is a crucial component in business and those who take the time to develop a Strategic Plan or Business Plan are likely to be more consistently successful in the long run.  Human Resources departments are no different, if we invest the time in understanding where the business is going and how HR can support the efforts the entire organization is more likely to reach their goals.   Real success for a business comes in the form of ensuring that all of the departments are working toward a common goal.  A business plan is just a tool to ensure that success. If you are interested in learning about business planning and specifically creating an HR Business plan this course will get you there. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Discover why having a business plan is critical to the success of the organization
  • Learn how to create a HR Business Plan to better connect you to the business
  • Learn the steps in writing a realistic HR Business Plan

Who Should Attend?

HR Professionals

Registration Fee

EANE MEMBERS | $120 Per person

FUTURE MEMBERS | $150 Per person