Microsoft Office Excel | Level 2 (Virtual)


Build on the Excel® skills you developed in Level 1 or increase your mastery of Excel® in this Level 2, one day workshop. Calculate Data with Advanced Formulas; Organize Worksheet and Table Data […]


Reasonable Suspicion (Virtual)


Learn about the signs of impairment so that you can properly intervene while keeping your employees and workspace safe throughout the process. Gain an understanding of the interplay among substance […]


Ethics in the Workplace (Virtual)


This interactive class will explore five commonly asked, but difficult to answer questions about ethics in the workplace. Participants will also analyze four case studies involving ethical decisions in business […]


How to Confidently Engage and Raise Your Visibility (Virtual)


Self-promotion and visibility tend to be challenging for many professionals because of limiting beliefs, social conditioning and confidence issues. Unfortunately, without the confidence and commitment to strategically share your value […]


Legal Liabilities of the Supervisor (Virtual)


This information-packed training provides a general understanding of the current legal environment governing the workplace. Gain a deeper understanding of ADAAA, FMLA, and Wage & Hour Laws, identify sexually harassing […]


Time Management (Virtual)


This program will help you discern what is truly important versus what’s simply urgent. We will explore your short and long-term goals and analyze how well you manage your schedule […]


Communication Skills for Leaders


Giving clear directions, practicing active listening skills and using non-defensive communication techniques improves leadership effectiveness. Through interactive discussions and use of real-life situations, you’ll practice communication strategies and when to […]
