This highly interactive institute is based on the best-selling book “Love as a Business Strategy” and is designed to help everyone in an organization see how their behaviors impact their team and, ultimately, business goals. It will cover the Six Pillars of Love: Inclusion, empathy, vulnerability, trust, empowerment, and forgiveness. The approach starts with introspection and targets hearts and minds by creating unique and engaging material with global appeal. Participants will be pushed to rethink their everyday interactions through key pillars we’ve learned from our own storied past.  You will learn how to dialogue instead of debate, utilize empathetic curiosity and embrace adaptive challenge.

December 3rd – 8:30 am – 6:00 pm

Who Should Attend

HR Professionals, Managers, Supervisors, Leads and Individual Contributors in any industry.

Learning Objectives

  • To create more resilient leaders, we consider introspecting on how individual behaviors impact culture
  • To dismantle outdated leadership styles, we identify how small, inclusive changes in your behavior can have big effects on others
  • To improve morale and employee retention, we showcase how misbehaviors and unforgiveness can be the legacy of your leadership
  • To safely and effectively communicate rather than argue

Click on the video below to watch participant testimonials.

Registration Fee

EANE MEMBERS | $995 Per person

FUTURE MEMBERS | $995 Per person