Succession Planning is on of the key components of Organizational Development. Succession planning ensures that the right people, with the right skills and motivation, are in the right positions, at the right time.
EANE brings expertise not only in succession management, but also in competency management, employee assessment, training, coaching, performance management and total rewards systems. This enables you to access the elements you need, whether it’s one or many, and know the results will be an integrated program that delivers on your business objectives.
Our comprehensive succession planning services can satisfy both short- and long-term business needs. It’s all about developing individuals for key positions to ensure ongoing, effective performance.
EANE’s Succession Planning provides:
- Continuity of leadership
- Sharpened and expedited ability to identify, develop, retain and promote high potentials and diverse talent
- Enhanced achievement of business objectives through the selection and development of managers/supervisors on the basis of strategic and organizational requirements
- Development of a common framework for performance standards and frequent in-depth reviews of key talent
- Results metrics
- A clearer understanding by employees about the organization’s leadership process, development of talent and promotion of diversity
The strategic planning process then results in a Strategic Plan which serves as a roadmap for the organization and its employees in their efforts to fulfill their long term goals.
The Steps Of Strategic Planning Include
- A review of the Vision of your organization – if you have not clarified it yet, now is the time
- Performing an internal assessment of your organizations capabilities
- Gathering data for an external assessment of the environment, markets, competitors and trends where your business operates
- Now the fun part…. taking the internal and external assessments into account, making key decisions about how you intend to go about achieving your current mission
This becomes your Strategic Plan and the roadmap to your future. If you have not asked yourself “where do we want to be in five years or ten years from now?” how will you know how to get there? Strategic Planning is simply the process of knowing where you want to be and developing the plan to get there. The journey is not always as simple as it sounds however it does not to be difficult either.
Let’s grow your people, your business and success together. Contact us today to get started!