February Safety Professionals Roundtable | Mindful Safety (Virtual)


Five Steps to Mindful Safety Join us for a discussion with Milt Jacobs, President of SSCI, as we discuss the five key strategies in creating a safety driven culture in your organization. Most of us live our lives on autopilot … are you guilty of this, too? In today’s distraction-filled world, safety professionals increasingly recognize […]


April Finance Roundtable | Getting The Greatest ROI From Marketing Efforts (Virtual)


“You have to spend money to make money.” That’s the way the saying goes. But how do you measure the value of the investment your organization is making in marketing your product/service to the right audience. Join Market Mentors president, Michelle Abdow, as she helps us determine the ROI of marketing, analyzing metrics, setting goals, […]


April Finance Roundtable | Getting The Greatest ROI From Marketing Efforts (Virtual)


“You have to spend money to make money.” That’s the way the saying goes. But how do you measure the value of the investment your organization is making in marketing your product/service to the right audience. Join Market Mentors president, Michelle Abdow, as she helps us determine the ROI of marketing, analyzing metrics, setting goals, […]


April Safety Professionals Roundtable | Safety & Wellness (Virtual)


Safety And Wellness  |  The Critical Connection There is a direct connection between safety and wellness, yet many companies treat these as separate initiatives and manage them in different departments without linking them together. When you DO connect them, you can reduce incidents like accidents, injuries and lost productivity and you can enhance your employee […]


June Finance Roundtable | Looking Out: A Glimpse at Today’s US Economic Landscape (Virtual)


June Finance Roundtable | Looking Out: A Glimpse at Today's US Economic Landscape (Virtual) Labor challenges, inflation, supply chain headaches and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are just some of the factors causing major economic shifts. Join us for a current assessment of the US economy and a forward looking analysis of trends to watch. Dr. […]


July SafetyProfessionals Roundtable | OSHA NEP – Turning UP the HEAT! (Virtual)


On April 8th, 2022, OSHA issued a new national emphasis program (NEP) on indoor and outdoor heat-related hazards that expands on the agency’s on-going heat-related illness prevention campaign. The NEP took effect immediately and will remain in effect for three years unless cancelled or superseded by another directive. It applies to ALL INDUSTRIES but it […]


Building Better Benefits | Lifestyle Accounts (Virtual)


The Difference Card As HR professionals, you have a LOT on your plate! EANE and The Difference Card are teaming up to provide you with some innovative ideas on using creative benefit solutions to drive engagement and enhance your employee value proposition as you recruit and hire new talent. Join us for this lunch & […]


Building a Superior Sales Structure in a Volatile Economy (Webinar)


Is your sales team struggling to connect with current and future customers? Are they missing goals and opportunities? It’s a whole new world out there right now for sales teams and we need to support them with some new strategies and competencies! Over 3,000 assessments have been completed during the prior three years, and the […]
