EANE is uniquely positioned to assist you in the performance of a pay equity assessment and help manage the risk of pay equity litigation.
Pay Equity defines comparable as “work that is substantially similar in skill, effort and responsibility and is performed under similar working conditions” in Massachusetts.
EANE’s comparability analysis takes a deep dive into the factors of skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions, breaking these factors down into subsets including but not limited to complexity, contact with others, the impact of error, degree of autonomy, etc. in order to perform and document the analysis of positions comparability.
Our study will address three critical factors:
- Assess incumbent pay by positions determined to be comparable in an effort to identify potential pay disparities
- Assess if there is a legally acceptable reason for pay differentials
- Assess what (if any) remedial plan should be put in place to remedy pay differentials of concern.
Pay equity laws have passed in more than 15 States including Massachusetts and Connecticut, with Rhode Island proposed bill hanging in the wings. Avoid the risk of pay equity litigation with EANE’s Pay Equity assessment services.
Contact us today to get started.